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Writer's pictureKayla Dulken

Top 10 Tips for a Tidy 2022

Try saying that ten times fast! LOL

I think it’s safe to say, 2021 was a bit chaotic for us all. No matter how crazy your life has been feeling, the start of this new year is the perfect opportunity to clear out the clutter and start fresh. Here are some steps to take to help you reel in the new year with order and peace of mind.

1. DECLUTTER YOUR MIND : Before we begin to dive into the closets, piles of laundry and clutter, let’s take a step back to unwind from this past year. Pausing here to notice, what are you holding onto that is causing you more stress and feelings of overwhelm? Is there anything you can let go of? Holding on to pain from the past, anxiety of the future, anger, resentment and negativity will cause more chaos in the body and in your surrounding space. This simple guide to Organizing Your Feelings by Healthline is a great place to start.

2. REFLECT & INSPECT : Take time to sort out what is not working as you would like it to. What was most overwhelming for you last year? Is there an area of the house which you find to be causing you stress? Do you find particular tasks that tend to pile up for you? (IE mail, laundry, dishes, toys, work) Make note of these areas that you would like to shift.

3. BABY STEPS : It is likely you won’t find the time to complete everything on your to-do list at once. Or maybe you feel like you can never find time. Don’t let everything that needs to be done overwhelm you and keep you from moving forward. Simply focus on one task at a time and do what you can. Even on busy days, you may have just minutes to spare…but this small amount of time is still progress. So set your timer ⏲ and focus on one task or a particular space for the remainder of your time. You will be amazed what you can accomplish! This can be fun for kids too and at the same time they are learning how to care of their space and understanding time management. This Animal Countdown Timer is a fantastic way for little ones to be involved in the process. If you only have ten minutes to spare, tell them “set your timer to the horse”. A perfect way to provide them self sufficient ways to help out at home.

4. SAY GOODBYE : As you are sorting through and finding a home for everything, you will likely come across items that you no longer need. These are items that are expired, clothing that doesn’t fit, games with missing pieces, broken toys or damaged dishes. I can promise you, letting it go and creating space will feel much better than the clutter it is creating! Ask yourself - Do I use this? Is it Usable? Do I love it?

5. MAKE IT FUN : So you dread going though the mail and sorting though all of the paperwork. You find yourself avoiding this daunting task so it just keeps piling up. Find a way to create a enjoyable experience and positive association with these task. Schedule an event on your calendar to plan ahead. As you look forward to attending your Sorting Soirée or Filing Fiesta, prepare a snack or meal you will enjoy, your favorite drink and music that you love. We are setting ourselves up for success and rewiring our brains to believe we enjoy the task at hand. Soon the kids will soon be begging for another Laundry Luau night!

6. MANAGE ITEMS IN TRANSITION - It seems like a mess as miscellaneous items on our to do list pile up. All of the Items that need to be returned, library books, outgoing mail, and donation items. Find one place for all of these item to belong. A basket in the mudroom, a bin in the garage, a drawer im the foyer; whatever would be most accessible in your own space. So, Instead of creating clutter on the counters or stacking everything on your desk, you will now have a designated location for these items and know exactly where to find them when you are headed out to run errands.

7. DON’T SHOP JUST YET - Sometimes people jump the gun and get excited about buying all their new bins, baskets and accessories. These are certainly helpful to keep spaces organized but we are not ready for this just yet. Wait until you know what you have to put in all your baskets before you go shopping. Who knows! You may discover you already have a few items you forgot about while you are decluttering and sorting.

8. FIND A HOME FOR EVERY ITEM : The key to staying organized, is ensuring that everything has a home. Start by sorting items into categories and then locating where each grouping will belong. Keep in mind convenience (store the item where you can get to it easily when you need it. Such as a basket of umbrellas by the door). Consider the size of the space you have, as well as how often you need access to the item. If you only travel once a year for Christmas, don’t waste space in your coat closet by storage all of your luggage here. Find a space in the attic or garage for items you don’t use frequently.

9. ASK FOR HELP - Sometimes we just need a helping hand to get a few steps forward. Reach out to those in your own network to assist you with tasks or the support you need. Ask a friend or neighbor if they could watch the kids while you get items on your to-do list accompanied. You can look for ways to delegate tasks as well as hiring help to guide you along. Space Oasis is here to support you in many ways. Sometimes you just need a full day of heavy lifting to get the job done. We offer services in organizing, home manamegmet, DIY consultations to point you in the right direction, hauling away items and regular maintenance assistance as well. Take a look at all of our Services to find out more about what we offer.

10. CELEBRATE! - Give yourself some credit! You have worked very hard. Take time to celebrate even the smallest victories. Gratitude and positivity are going to keep you moving forward. Cheers to a new year and a newly organized you 🥂 You are worth it!

- Kayla Dulken

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